The Woman Warrior Podcast

Hosted by: Dr. Satyavani Gayatri + Prajna Madhavi

From Pain To Power Book Launch – Woman Warriors Unite!

Season #7 June 14, 2023

In this episode Dr. Satyavani is interviewed about her new Best Selling book - From Pain To Power: Becoming A Woman Warrior Through Your Biggest Struggles and Most Challenging Times - by her lead Acharya Woman Warriors - Jnanavati Shastri, Dakshina Wood, + Prajna Madhavi.

Why she wrote this book and what is the Shakti Effect she hopes to gain from it as well as creating a movement of women across the continent and the world.

Check it out and become part of the Woman Warrior Academy: or follow on Instagram @satyavanigayatri or Facebook @SatyavaniRising.

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